Rainbows Over Rutland

The halfway mark has been reached within the Cadet National Squad trainings programme. A chilly but cracking weekend of wind and weather to maximise every possible minute on the water.
The squad were firing and working on strategies and tactics that are used at much higher levels and seeing them push their mental and physical states to draw themselves out of their comfort zones was inspiring.
It is great to see the future of sailing developing at these junior levels and really does excite to know what their futures could bring with the amazing opportunities that are available within the sport of sailing.
Teams and companies such as Land Rover BAR, Artemis and with the development and technology being applied to boats now a days it is pretty exciting for anyone who is willing to put the time and dedication in to succeeding. With focused training points, reports, and videos to continue learning away from the squads, we shall see how they are all doing in the next squad in the new year.
A huge "Good Luck" to all of the world team members who are headed to Argentina within the coming days to compete at the World Championships and represent Great Britain. Keep focused, believe in yourself and the training you have done, work as a team and enjoy the learning as well as the success.